STA News

The Addams Family Wows

The Addams Family closed this past weekend following a strong run of five shows that included multiple sellout crowds. 

The show starred Andres Contreras-Villalta ’25 as Gomez Addams, supported by fellow St. Albans students Adnan Gunja ’26 as Lucas Beineke, Swift Martin ’24 as Mal Beineke, and Andrew Liu  ’25 as Lurch. They were accompanied by Eli Babbitt ’27, Tom Buntin ’26, Kit Beeson ’27, Jerald Jude Campana ’27, and Ray Hickey ’27.

The show navigated the complicated engagement of Wednesday Addams and Lucas Beineke. When the Addams family and Beineke family meet for the first time and are stuck in the same house together following a torrential storm, chaos ensues.

The Bulldog News attended the show and noted the raucous audience laughter, standing ovations following jaw-dropping musical numbers, and the tremendous scenic design by Mr. Greg Lampasona and costume design by Ms. Anne Liberman.

Additionally, the orchestra, led by Mr. Jason Sherlock, featured a handful of St. Albans students: Will Marino ’25 on guitar, Willem Cohn ’26 on trumpet, Thomas Power ’27 on violin, and Rafi Hume ’27 on tenor saxophone. Even more, staff member Mr. Macon Moyer from the IT department shined on bass. John Price ’27 served as a stage manager. Laszlo Wolfe ’25, Bodhi Bhalla-Ladd ’26, Cody Kaler ’26 were the booth crew, while Darius Bajoghli ’27, Cecil O'Neil ’27, and Tristan Sciutto ’27 staffed wardrobe, makeup, and hair.

It cannot be overlooked that this show marked Mr. Mark Bishop’s final show on Brylawski Stage in Trapier Theater. Mr. Bishop, who began at St. Albans in 1990 before departing in 1999, only to return in 2008, has been the stalwart leader of the Theater Department for more than 20 years. Having served as a trusted mentor, friend, and colleague to hundreds of students and faculty members, his presence has deeply enriched the St. Albans theater community — as evidenced by tearful tributes to his leadership from students following Sunday’s final performance. More to come on Mr. Bishop in the future — but until then, the One-Acts await!
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.