St. Albans takes pride in offering the most generous financial aid in the area.

Through our need-blind admissions policy, each boy is assessed solely on his achievements, his character, and his potential to enhance our community and to thrive, without consideration of his family’s economic resources. The school works to meet the full demonstrated need of every admitted student so that a family’s financial situation will not prevent their son from attending.

In recent years, families with household incomes ranging from $25,000 to more than $350,000 have been eligible for financial aid. For 2023-24, the school granted more than $5,800,000 in need-based financial aid with 31 percent of the student body receiving that aid. Grants, based on family’s income and assets, range from 5 percent to 99 percent of tuition; the average grant for 2023-24 accounted for approximately 65 percent of the tuition costs.

List of 2 items.

  • $5.8 M

    2023-2024 Aid Distributed
  • 65%

    Average Tuition Grant


List of 2 items.

  • Day Student Tuition

    $56,966 (Grades 4-12)
  • Boarding Student Tuition

    $80,308 (Grades 9-12)

How to Apply for Financial Aid

The financial aid application process will open on October 1. To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The mobile-friendly application typically takes fewer than 30 minutes to complete and permits users to save their progress and return at any time. The application is also available in Spanish. The application fee is $60. Please remember to return to the Clarity dashboard after you complete and submit the application.

The deadline for completing the financial aid application including relevant supplemental documents is January 7, 2025 for current St. Albans families and January 22, 2025 for applicants to St. Albans.


If you need support completing your Clarity application, in-app support is available through the “Help” button in the bottom left of the screen; you may also reach out to or 206-210-3752. Support is offered in both English and Spanish.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • Is financial aid awarded on the basis of merit or need?

    Awards are strictly need-based, determined by the family's ability to meet tuition costs and not based on the academic, athletic, or artistic strengths of the applicant. The only exception to this rule is the Cathedral Choir and Acolyte program, which offers a stipend to all Cathedral Choristers (grades 4-6) and Acolytes (grades 9-12).
  • How does Clarity make it easier for me to apply for financial aid?

    Clarity offers a streamlined, mobile friendly application that can be completed quickly. Additionally, Clarity removes the need to upload tax documents by transferring them directly from the IRS. This reduces the amount of information that you will need to enter manually and makes it possible to complete the application efficiently. 
  • Will my request for financial aid affect my son's admission application or status as a student?

    Any student may apply for financial aid, whether day or boarding, local, national, or international, at any grade level. St. Albans operates a need-blind admission policy; a student’s application for financial aid will have no bearing on his application for admission. Once a student is accepted by the Admissions Committee, candidates for financial aid are referred to the Financial Aid Committee to determine the level of need and how much aid will be given. If a family’s financial-aid application has been completed by the stated deadlines, financial-aid decisions will be made simultaneously with admissions decisions. Occasionally, the Financial Aid Committee may be unable to meet the needs of every family. In such cases, the Committee may place accepted families on a financial aid waiting list. Financial aid information is held in strict confidence; St. Albans faculty and students do not know who is receiving assistance.
  • Who determines what my family's financial assistance will be?

    St. Albans' Financial Aid Committee reviews your Clarity application in conjunction with the School's budget to determine the awards.
  • When will I find out how much I will be awarded?

    If a financial aid application is completed by the stated deadlines, St. Albans will be able to advise new families of their financial aid award decision in conjunction with their acceptance. If St. Albans has not received all of the necessary information by the stated deadlines, a family’s financial aid award might be in jeopardy.
  • Will returning students receive the same amount of aid each year?

    Any student to whom financial aid is awarded can expect that aid to continue as long as he remains in good academic and disciplinary standing, his family continues to demonstrate need and is not in financial arrears, and all required documentation is received by the school. Applications for assistance must be submitted every year, and the Financial Aid Committee carefully reviews whether a family's award merits adjustment.
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.