Ask a St. Albans boy how his day is, and he’ll probably say, with enthusiasm, “Busy!” St. Albans students participate in a spectacular range of extracurricular activities.


Family-style lunch in our dining hall provides an opportunity to relax with friends, meet students in other grades, and get to know teachers while partaking in lively conversations, enjoying a warm, nourishing meal, and finding out the latest news through post-lunch announcements.

Who's Clearing the Table? The lunch table is cleared by the two students who are furthest away from the correct answer to a daily trivia question from a teacher table. See if you’re waiting today or if you’ve dodged the chore:

A Boys School and a Coed School

Our Coordinate Program with the National Cathedral School for girls, located just on the north side of the Cathedral, allows St. Albans students to participate in a variety of coeducational opportunities while reaping the benefits of a single-sex education. Coeducational opportunities in academics, arts, and athletics increase by grade.
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List of 3 items.

  • 15

    Coed Performances
  • 20+

    Coeducational Classes Offered
  • 4

    Coed Sports Offered


Chapel services engage the big questions in life, meeting boys where they are in their spiritual development. As an Episcopal school with a pastoral commitment to all, St. Albans welcomes students of all faiths and respects the religious beliefs of all members of the diverse school community.
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From toy drives, to grocery donations, to the Upper School Social Service Program’s 60-hour social service requirement, St. Albans is committed to building ino our students a sense of responsibility for the community in which they live.


St. Albans’ array of global programs and 13 endowed fellowships provides our boys with opportunities to dive deep into their passions.
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List of 4 items.

  • 13

    Endowed Fellowships
  • 17

    Countries Visited Per Year
  • 50%

    Of Students Go Abroad
  • 6

    Partner Schools in 4 Continents

List of 3 items.

  • Alex Acosta | The Bishop John T. Walker Fellowship

    “I  worked with Hope Worldwide supporting children and families in the Philippines.”
  • Jake Choi and Nelson Dorsey | The Teplitz Family Fellowship

    “In Alabama, we researched the intersection of racial injustice and medical care.”
  • Luke Martin & Mert Uyumazturk | The K.S. Wu Fellowship

    “We studied the effects of climate change on local fishermen in Chile.”


Spend one afternoon building robots and the next serving in Model United Nations. With dozens of clubs in both the Lower School and Upper School, explore your passions with the support of faculty.
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With beautiful views of the National Cathedral and the Washington, D.C., skyline, a strong community, and supportive faculty, the St. Albans dormitory is truly your home away from home.
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.