STA News

Upper School Prefects Lead First Assembly

The 2024 school year began like any other at St. Albans with the senior prefects addressing their fellow classmates at Upper School assembly, sharing their wisdom and advice, and setting expectations for the year. Each speaker brought his own prospective to the proceedings, earning thoughtful pause and earnest applause from the audience.

Thomas Bean ’25

Bean took the opportunity to remind his classmates of the strength of community they share at St. Albans. He spoke of the built-in support network of his friends, classmates, and teachers. He remembered the times that he both succeeded and failed together with his friends, and how much those shared experiences can mean. “There are not even 500 people at this school, and yet I've never felt isolated. I have never felt alone ... We work together, we play together, we fail together, and we succeed together.” 

Kenny Dilanian ’25

Dilanian recounted a time he was reflecting on past STA athletes as he looked over their photos of alumni athletes in the Activities Building hallway. He recalled seeing a picture of Clifford Foreman '09 playing for Yale and remembered a speech Foreman gave to their football team about being a "St. Albans man." Pondering that question, Dilanian listed numerous and varied accomplishments of this fellow classmates, before concluding a St. Albans man was something more than that. “While St. Albans certainly builds your resume, it builds something much more important: your character ... The things we accomplish are only accomplished from the character within us.”

Danyal Osman ’25

Osman discussed the little moments that make the Close feel like home and make all students feel like they belong in a community. “St. Albans is not a place, its a people. It is clear that anyone can walk on to this campus, yet it is the St. Albans man who thrives on this campus.” Osman encouraged his classmates, faculty, and staff to hold appreciate the small moments and times of support that bond our community together, and to actively seek out those moments.

Will Strong ’25

Strong shared the new feeling he experienced returning to St. Albans this year, knowing he is preparing to say goodbye to the STA community. He discussed the comfort he found remembering all the moments of support, laughter, and challenges he shared with his friends, teachers, and coaches over the years. He said he believes the shared experience of these moments are what prepare students for the next steps, no matter what they may be. “Take the time to share who you are and listen to those around you. The strength of our community hinges on everyone knowing and being comfortable with one another.“

Lacy Rice IV ’25

Rice finished off the assembly by sharing the difference that a change of perspective and moment of reflection can make. “Challenging things will happen that will test your resolve ... I invite all of you to take a moment to appreciate where we are, who we are with, and all we benefit from daily.“ Lacy finished the assembly encouraging everyone to find joy in any and all of the facets of St. Albans important to them.

Watch the recording here:
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.