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Alumni Guide

Article Ii Of The St. Albans School Alumni Association Constitution

The purposes of this Association are to foster and further the interests of St. Albans School, its faculty, its alumni, and its student body, and to promote closer relations and mutual understanding among them.

St. Albans School Alumni Association

The St. Albans School Alumni Association, whose members are graduates and past students of St. Albans School, is an organization of more than 4,300 men who were educated at the school. However, our community is best described as a great extended family. Alumni worked hard to earn a place in this group; we encourage you to make use of the opportunities that our Association offers.

Rooted by shared experiences as students on the Cathedral Close, the Alumni Association seeks to encourage all alumni to keep up with classmates and to provide resources to expand your network to include those who came before and after you who are able to provide useful counsel on an array of topics, interests, careers, and communities.

The Alumni Association, with support from the Office of Alumni Relations, also strives to make keeping in touch with each other, and with the school, easy and enjoyable by sponsoring alumni events throughout the year; helping to coordinate opportunities for service, leadership, and philanthropy; and providing news and updates via the Bulletin and periodic mailings.

Alumni Events

Alumni & Career Networking

List of 2 items.

  • LinkedIn

    The Alumni Office maintains an exclusive group for alumni on LinkedIn. Click here to join the group.
  • St. Albans Alumni App

    Stay connected with the alumni community from your iPhone, iPad, and Android device with the free St. Albans Alumni App, which provides access to the alumni directory from anywhere, locates Bulldogs nearby with a map view of the directory, and shares updates and news from the School’s social media channels. To download the Alumni App, please visit www.stalbansschool.org/AlumniApp.

Alumni Annual Giving

List of 2 items.

  • Annual Giving

    Tuition accounts for only 75 percent of the true cost of a St. Albans education; the School relies on contributions to Annual Giving from the community to cover the difference. Nearly 2,000 alumni participate in Annual Giving every year (based on the July 1–June 30 fiscal year), providing the school with the financial flexibility needed to meet core commitments and support emerging initiatives, provide scholarships and financial aid for students, purchase laboratory equipment and text books, update classrooms with the latest technology, and support new faculty initiatives and salaries. Every gift, no matter the amount, makes a valuable and immediate difference to the teachers and learners at St. Albans today. For more information, or to make a gift, please visit www.stalbansschool.org/annualgiving.
  • Alumni Phonathon

    Every year in October and February/March, the School hosts an Alumni Phonathon in the Cafritz Refectory. These events are critical to raising the Annual Giving funds needed to support current students and faculty. These evenings are also a great opportunity for friends, old and new, to catch up and enjoy an evening together back on the Close. Volunteers, experienced or not, are always needed and welcome. For more information on the Phonathon, and other Annual Giving volunteer opportunities, email Brennan Lafeber at blafeber@stalbansschool.org
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.