STA News

Veterans Day Service Honors Those Who Served

Lower school classes gathered Wednesday morning in the amphitheater on the grounds of the Close to mark Veterans Day with a special service in honor of those that have served. Many veterans and their loved ones were in attendance including W. Stuart Battle, Jr -former Major in the US Army and grandfather of Jack Battle’33, Ray Schramm -1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and father-in-law of Ms. Lauren Goodyear, and John Lehman- U.S. Navy and father to Jack Lehman ’33. The Lower School choir sang well-loved military hymns, and a brass quintet made up of STA faculty and military veterans offered their talents at the service. 

Student readers and Rev. Leslie Chadwick led the service, with the readings and messages themed towards the gifts and responsibilities of freedom, democracy, and a sense of service and sacrifice. Mark Wilkerson, STA School Archivist and former USMC sergeant, shared the names and stories of many veterans that were deeply connected to the St. Albans community, including former Heads of Lower School Alfred True - WWI Army Reserve, and A. Wayne “Pete” Gordon -WWII Marine, and Headmaster Cannon Lucas -WWI Marine.

Wilkerson shared the military journey of officer Hugh Ross Morris ’41, graduate of the highly-regarded Marines Special Officer Candidate (SOCS) 400 group, and platoon leader in the fiercest battles of WWII’s pacific theater. Morris, who missed his college graduation from Dartmouth to ship off to the eastern front, was wounded in action in the war but returned home after V-J Day, going on to a happy life and successful career. Morris’s son, Ross Morris, noted that he never lost the same genuine smile and spirit he exhibited when on the football team at St. Albans all those years later. 

Wilkerson offered a few more examples of St. Albans military service, including the service of Commander WIlliam Francis Bullis (father of two STA graduates) and sacrifice of Lt Commander Damon Morris Cummings ’27, who was killed in action in WWII and received the Navy cross in honor of his sacrifice. Wilkerson concluded by ringing eight bells, a Navy tradition to signify the end of a serviceman’s final watch. Wilkerson said that the ringing of the bells simply means “Your duty is over; you have served well and faithfully.” 

The service concluded with the closing hymn of “God of Our Fathers.” Many of the veterans stayed after to speak with Form C students and share their thoughts and experiences.

Veterans Day Service

Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.