STA News

Opening Day Cathedral Service 2024

It's good to be back!
The first day of classes began with St. Albans students, faculty, and parents gathered in Washington National Cathedral for an Opening Day Service. As is custom, seniors and C Formers processed into the Cathedral together —  as “a sign of the love and care that defines our community, the trust we place in our oldest boys as leaders of the school. and the importance of C Formers, their flourishing and well-being, as they begin their journey with us,” noted Headmaster Robinson.

By 7:30 a.m., seniors were lined up, awaiting the arrival of their C Former partner for the service. As they arrived, kind words and sage advice was exchanged between the students - discussing their summer activities and offering wisdom for success in their different classes.

After processing into the Cathedral through a crowd of eager parent photographers, the opening service began. The reading was delivered by Senior Warden Thomas Duckenfield IV ’25.

In his homily, Robinson reflected on his journey to London to visit the renowned Harrow School for the International Boys School Coalition. Using the story of Anthony Ashley-Cooper’s journey, from witnessing injustices of child poverty and neglect as a Harrow student to championing a new era of child protection and education laws in the UK as a member of Parliament, Headmaster Robinson demonstrated the enduring legacy a single person's devotion can have when he chooses to use his own freedom and power to empower and free others.

"This is a reminder that we have the gift of working with boys at one the most formative times of their lives. What happens to them during their time at St. Albans leaves an imprint on them that continues to resonate for year after they graduate," Robinson explained. "They will then take these experiences and do truly extraordinary things with them in their future lives." (Read the headmaster’s homily here.)

As the Opening Day service concluded, the boys hurried off to their first classes and meetings, while parents enjoyed a coffee reception outside the Cathedral.

View the recording of the Opening Day Cathedral service below, or view on YouTube by clicking here.

View the photo album from the morning's ceremony below, or view on Flickr by clicking here

Opening Cathedral Service 2024
Located in Washington D.C., St. Albans School is a private, all boys day and boarding school. For more than a century, St. Albans has offered a distinctive educational experience for young men in grades 4 through 12. While our students reach exceptional academic goals and exhibit first-rate athletic and artistic achievements, as an Episcopal school we place equal emphasis upon moral and spiritual education.